
It is our mission, at Jewell Academy, to provide reading opportunities for children so that we support and encourage a love of reading, a passion for books and a confidence to interact. Our children, when entering our school, may come from a book deprived background and so from our Early Readers we promote the love of reading and exploring enriched texts and vocabulary. We want our children to be able to leave school avid readers, able to communicate confidently and access words in a 21st century context.

Reading Policy 2022 -2023



We offer a broad and balanced curriculum from Early Reading to more confident readers. We have a systematic approach to the teaching and learning of Phonics where children develop skills to decode and segment. Children access decodable books suited to their phonetic awareness as well as texts that have been chosen for interest and passion, these stories can be shared with an adult or, those more confident, will begin to read as they understand that there is a world around them that can be read. 

We also surround our children with vocabulary, repetition and modelling so that children develop the passion and love of reading as well as becoming aware of the reading skills that occur when tackling a book.  We value the importance of whole class reading, the teacher modelling expressions, asking questions and inferring. Guided reading/ Hug around the book, small group work to allow direct and bespoke teaching and learning to develop specific skills and needs of those children. 


As an Accelerated Reading school, children access books that are suitable for their reading ability- this is termly assessed through Star tests alongside summative assessment and teacher informed judgements. Children are encouraged to read, both in and out of school, to complete the book and solve a quiz- assessing their comprehension awareness. This has seen an increase in confidence where children are able to decode and understand what they have read and therefore enjoy and love reading. 

Lexia also supports those readers where vocabulary and grammar are hindering their progress. Regular time spent on Lexia has seen improvements in reading age and ability- allowing our children to access texts in all subjects and communicate effectively.

At Jewell Academy we expect pupils to be able and therefore develop their 21st Century skills to:

  • Recognise the link between reading and writing, using skills in one to support the other.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards their school work, taking pride in achieving the highest personal standard in all areas of English- self accomplishment.
  • Acquire the skills and strategies to plan and carry out their work- independence.
  • Read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding, orchestrating a range of independent strategies to self-monitor and correct- resilience.
  • Articulate their ideas confidently through discussing reading and writing comprehensively, expressing opinions, explaining techniques and justifying preferences, about a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts, using suitable technical vocabulary- presenting their findings.
  • Have opportunities to perform their own work to a range of audiences and for a range of purposes- communication.
  • Have an interest in books and read for enjoyment- passionate readers.
  • Have an interest in words, their meanings; developing a growing vocabulary in spoken and written forms- public speaking.
  • Understand a range of text types and genres – be able to write in a variety of styles and forms appropriate to the purpose, situation and Audience-Cultural capital
  • Develop the powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness- creativity.  
  • Have a suitable technical vocabulary to articulate their responses.
  • Review, edit and improve their own and others’ written work against expectations, Writer’s Toolkits or for a particular audience-perseverance.


Cultural Capital

Through our engaging and exciting Reading curriculum, we provide opportunities for children to develop the above English expectations in purposeful situations to equip them to be educated citizens with an appreciation of human creativity and achievement:

  • Celebrate World Book Day
  • Participate in Poetry Day
  • Retell and recite stories to perform
  • Author visits
  • Attend performances to see words come to life
  • Entering competitions


World Book Day changes lives through a love of books and shared reading. We share the same mission
to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child  the opportunity to
have a book of their own. This year we are celebrating World Book Day – with the message
for all children ‘you are a reader‘! It will be filled with lots of exciting, celebratory ways to
promote reading for pleasure on World Book Day and all year round.

Where next


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How to apply

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