What provision is available?
Communication and Interaction needs
Many children have Speech and Language provision in place at Jewell Academy and IEPs are written by academy staff based on targets or recommendations made by Speech Therapists. Children are identified by academy staff, screened in academy and intervention is provided at the earliest opportunity. As needed, the academy’s SENDCo ensures referrals are made to the NHS Speech and Language Service, parents are made aware of reviews in academy, and meetings between the Therapist and parents are arranged when needed. This academic year we have also allocated Miss Gemma Kerley as a specialist LSA to oversee and lead our Speech and Language provision across the academy.
Cognition and Learning needs
In class, there are a number of ways that staff can support children with cognitive and learning needs. This may include scaffolding the learning activity, chunking the learning or instructions and providing concrete resources to support activities. Alongside the classroom adjustments, interventions are also planned for specific areas such as phonics.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
All staff are here to support the wellbeing of all pupils across the school. We pride ourselves on developing positive relationships with our children. As an academy we have a qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistant and accredited Trauma Informed practitioners to support our learners with emotional needs. This provision is allocated based on need and reviewed on a half termly basis. For some children with emotional needs, a behaviour management plan may be written. As needed we also make referrals to the Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or BCP outreach service to enhance the provision that we provide for our children with SEND.