Personal Development

At Jewell Academy we understand, value and therefore  consistently promote  Personal Development opportunities for our children whereby they have access to a wide, rich set of experiences both in school and beyond.

We believe deeply in the importance of helping our children develop as a whole person – happy and equipped with the knowledge and skills to take on the next stage of their learning journey and play an active and successful role in today’s highly competitive and fast-changing world. 


With our 3 Guiding Principles of Self-Worth, Engagement and Purpose alongside our 8 Conditions and 6 Learning Skills we are committed to the future of our children, enabling them to be successful in all that they do. We carefully plan  activities, events and lessons that enable all children to achieve embracing our school’s ethos- ‘There is no limit to what our children can achieve’.




Keeping healthy

  • Our in school caterers provide an exciting and healthy lunch, equipped with a salad bar and a variety of fruit. 
  • We encourage all children to maintain a healthy lifestyle through our PE Curriculum, after school clubs and sporting events. 
  • We ask those who can, walk /scoot or cycle to school. We provide ample spaces for bikes and scooters and enrol children in the annual Road Safety and Bikeability courses. 
  • Pupils’ wellbeing is considered within all areas of our curriculum and is visible within the learning environment. Mental health is also promoted through PSHE, assemblies and events such as ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’. We have Mental Health Accredited staff to support our community. 
  • We have a supportive and proactive Young Carers group, providing help, advice, support and experiences for those who care for someone with their family.
  • Our PSHE curriculum ensures pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of relationships and the 9 Protected Characteristics.

Staying Safe

  • Our children can confidently identify the safeguarding team of the school and are aware of their roles and responsibilities in order to protect. All classrooms and spaces are presented with our safeguarding posters to prompt children should they need it. 
  • We actively teach the contextual safeguarding concerns (road safety, fire safety and water safety) for our pupils and ensure they know how to stay safe through lessons, assemblies, workshops and events. 
  • We take Online safety very seriously and integrate this into all areas of Computing being taught within school, so that children can see the real life dangers involved with using digital devices. This is also supported through our PSHE curriculum.
  • All pupils will know that bullying is wrong and that they should challenge it when they see it.
  • All pupils are encouraged and frequently reminded to speak to a trusted adult when they have concerns or worries. Each class has a ‘Wish my Adult knew’ box so that children can communicate with staff in a more sensitive and discrete manner should they choose. 
  • We engage with the local services to support our pupils’ understanding (Police, Safer Schools Team etc.)


british values and protected characteristics

    • We have developed a school culture that promotes diversity in our classrooms. We understand that each pupil brings unique experiences, strengths and ideas and the exploration and incorporation of these differences enriches our learning. We use stories, resources and teaching materials that celebrate different religions, cultures and disabilities. We also hold assemblies and themed events where all children learn about and discuss a particular focus.
    • At Jewell, we have a Student team of Anti Bullying Ambassadors whose many roles are to promote the safety of others, share diversity and promote tolerance and mutual respect. 
    • Each week, our Reading Assemblies hold a British Value / Learning Skill theme for the children to engage with. 
    • Our PSHE curriculum and  lessons are heavily linked to British Values. 
    • We have cultural days in school and celebrate themed weeks such as ‘Anti Bullying Week’
    • Our PSHE curriculum ensures pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of relationships and the 9 Protected Characteristics.

cultural capital

  • Our Cultural Capital Overview, celebrates the learning experiences and opportunities we offer to our children. 
  • Visits and trips are planned to extend and enrich children’s learning journeys and connect with the topic’s driving question. 
  • We widen our pupils’ vision for their future by introducing the world of work and employment – having big dreams and striving to reach these. We use Primary Futures and meeting external professionals to enhance their experience. We hold Careers Day to broadcast the endless possibilities that our children can achieve and can aspire towards.

student leadership

  • At Jewell, we offer a varied and extensive opportunity for children to be part of leadership teams from school council, digital leaders, attendance mentors and house captains. We value the process for such roles whereby children will apply and write speeches for the opportunity- a great way to celebrate democracy.
  • We support our wider community with fundraisers; harvest, food banks and national events such as Children in Need. 
  • Each child is recognised for being a role model, setting examples to the youngest in our school.
  • We value the importance of uniform and making sure we are ready for learning by presenting ourselves well, being proud. 

jewell promise

The staff at Jewell, are committed to the Jewell Promise. A set of experiences and opportunities that go beyond the classroom but will equip our children with the skill, knowledge and memory to thrive. 


Where next


How do I apply for a Reception place for my child at Jewell Academy Bournemouth? For September 2025 we will be offering 60 places in…

How to apply

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