At Jewell Academy we want to work with you to support your children’s development from the moment that they join us to the time they leave to nurture a strong sense of self-worth and a positive attitude to learning through engagement and purpose. If you have a concern and think that your child may have additional needs please initially talk about this with your child’s Class Teacher. Your worries, thoughts or questions will always be shared with the academy’s SENDCo, Mr Smith or another member of the academy’s Senior Leadership Team as relevant. Further meetings will then be planned as appropriate.

Together we will decide and agree the next steps to support your child using a graduated approach. This may include planning additional provision within the academy or making a referral to an agency or professional such as the Community Paediatrician.

If a teacher believes that your child would benefit from additional support, this will be discussed with you. Some children may need provision for a short amount of time. For some children, a period of additional support or regular alternative provision within the academy may be enough to meet their needs and ensure that they make progress. The academy would put this in place but this would not necessarily mean that your child had Special Educational Needs.

If your child continues to require additional provision that is significantly above quality first teaching or needs advice from other professionals, such as the Speech and Language Service, then the academy would recognise that your child has a Special Educational Need or Disability. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) would be written and shared with you. We will work with all families by holding honest and open conversations about the provision that will be put in place.

The IEP will identify the main areas of Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) and the specific provision that would meet these needs. This will incorporate any provision that is required to meet the Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social Emotional or Mental Health or Sensory and Physical needs of a child. Please read the SEND policy on the academy website for more information.

Where next


How do I apply for a Reception place for my child at Jewell Academy Bournemouth? For September 2025 we will be offering 60 places in…

How to apply

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